Microsoft OneNote: Exporting student work

This guide introduces the process of exporting work from Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook, allowing students to retain copies of their notes and lesson activities in PDF format for future reference, even after their access to university systems has ended.

*INFORMATION It should also be noted that other techniques exist that can be used to export data from a Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook, this guide only deals with the export as pdf option as it is the simplest and requires no additional configurations of other OneNotes and their associated settings.


  1. Exporting an entire Notebook
    1. Overview
    2. Step-by-Step Guide
  2. Exporting a single Section
    1.  Overview
    2. Step-by-Step Guide
  3. Exporting a single Page
    1.  Overview
    2. Step-by-Step Guide
  4. Contact Us
*IMPORTANT NOTICE Depending on how the Class Notebook is accessed (via the Online or Desktop version of OneNote), this could impact the workflow(s) needed to complete some of the functions demonstrated in this guide.

All workflows and associated screenshots in this guide are based on the desktop version of Microsoft OneNote.

If you are currently using the web-based version, you will be able to open the desktop version, by clicking on the Editing button in the top right and selecting ‘Open in Desktop app’

Imagen showing how to open the desktop version of OneNote from within the office 365 version of OneNote.

1. Exporting an entire Notebook


Using this export option will export all of the content within the Class Notebook that the student has permission to access to a single PDF document.

This includes:

  1. _Content Library: The location for storing and organising course materials, resources, and reference materials accessible to all teachers and students in the Notebook.
  2. _Collaboration Space: The location used as a shared area where all users attached to the Notebook can collaborate in real-time, facilitating group projects and discussions etc.
  3. _Student private workspace: The location where all of a student’s work is stored including work they have created and content that has been distributed to them by a teacher.
*NOTE Some pages in the OneNote that cover more area than is available on a standard A4 page will be exported over multiple pages.  For example, if a PowerPoint presentation has been embedded into a student page.

Using this export method can create very lengthy PDF documents, although this option includes all the student work (regardless of the number of sub-sections in their private workspace), it also includes the two publicly accessible sections (Content Library and Collaboration Space).  This can be quite useful if the student also wants to take a copy of this material for future reference.

It should also be noted that using the Export section option discussed later in this guide will mean that the student will need to export each section of their private workspace individually, which can be time-consuming and lead to mistakes if, for example, they accidentally forget to export one section.

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  1. Open OneNote either by launching the OneNote application on your device or accessing it at and selecting OneNote from the App Launcher and once open, use the above instructions to open in the desktop application.
  2. Locate the notebook that contains the content to be exported. If you have multiple notebooks, select the one to export.
  3. Click on the File tab in the top-left corner of the OneNote window to open the File menu.

Image showing the UI of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the File menu.

  1. From the File menu, select Export.

Image showing the File menu of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the Export options.

  1. From the Export Current list, select Notebook and from the Select Format list select PDF (*.pdf). Click the Export button.

Image showing the Export option UI with Notebook selected for the Export Current option, PDF (*.pdf) and the location of the Export button.

  1. Select the destination where you want to save the exported PDF file. It can be saved to a local device, cloud storage (such as OneDrive), or any other location accessible to you. Click the Save button
*NOTE Depending on the size of your Notebook and your device’s processing speed, the export process may take some time. Wait for the process to complete.
  1. Once the export process is finished, navigate to the location where the exported PDF was saved and review the PDF.

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2. Exporting a single Section


This option allows a student to focus on exporting only the relevant materials, such as notes, work, or study guides, from a specific section rather than the entire notebook.

By exporting a section, students can easily create customised study materials, share specific content with peers or instructors, or archive important information for future reference without including unnecessary content from other sections of their notebook(s).

This export option will export the section of the notebook the student currently has open.

*NOTE Some pages in the OneNote that cover more area than is available on a standard A4 page will be exported over multiple pages.  For example, if a PowerPoint presentation has been embedded into a student page.

If a student intends to export all of their private workspace (especially those comprised of numerous sub-sections) it is recommended that the above ‘export an entire Notebook’ option is used.

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  1. Open OneNote either by launching the OneNote application on your device or accessing it at and selecting OneNote from the App Launcher, once open use the above instructions to open in the desktop application.
  2. Locate the notebook that contains the content to be exported. If you have multiple notebooks, select the one to export content from.
  3. Click on the section tab in the notebook navigation pane to open the section to be exported.
  4. Click on the File tab in the top-left corner of the OneNote window to open the File menu.

Image showing the UI of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the File menu.

  1. From the File menu, select Export.

Image showing the File menu of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the Export options.

  1. From the Export Current list, select Section and from the Select Format list select PDF (*.pdf). Click the Export button.

Image showing the Export option UI with 'Section' selected for the Export Current option, PDF (*.pdf) and the location of the Export button.

  1. Select the destination to save the exported section of the OneNote Class Notebook. It can be saved to a local device, cloud storage (such as OneDrive), or any other location accessible to you. Click on the Save button
  2. Once the export process is finished, navigate to the location where the exported section was saved and review the PDF.

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Exporting a single Page


This option allows a student to focus on exporting only the relevant content, such as notes, work, or study guides, from a specific page rather than a complete section or the entire notebook.

By exporting a page, students can easily create customised study materials, share specific content with peers or instructors, or archive important information for future reference without including unnecessary content from other pages or sections of their notebook(s).

This export option will export the notebook page the student currently has open.

*NOTE Some pages in the OneNote that cover more area than is available on a standard A4 page will be exported over multiple pages.  For example, if a PowerPoint presentation has been embedded into a student page.

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  1. Open OneNote either by launching the OneNote application on your device or accessing it at and selecting OneNote from the App Launcher, once open use the above instructions to open in the desktop application.
  2. Locate the notebook that contains the content to be exported. If you have multiple notebooks, select the one to export content from.
  3. Click on the section tab in the notebook navigation pane to open the section that includes the page to be exported. Select the specific page.
  4. Click on the File tab in the top-left corner of the OneNote window to open the File menu.

Image showing the UI of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the File menu.

  1. From the File menu, select Export.

Image showing the File menu of Microsoft OneNote and how to access the Export options.

  1. From the Export Current list, select Page and from the Select Format list select PDF (*.pdf). Click the Export button.

Image showing the Export option UI with 'Page' selected for the Export Current option, PDF (*.pdf) and the location of the Export button.

  1. Select the destination to save the exported page of the OneNote Class Notebook. It can be saved to a local device, cloud storage (such as OneDrive), or any other location accessible to you. Click the Save button.
  2. Once the export process is finished, navigate to the location where the exported page was saved and review the PDF.

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Contact Us

If you would like to discuss any of the above in more detail or explore any of the more advanced options of this feature, please don’t hesitate to contact the Digital Learning Specialists, who are more than happy to arrange bespoke coaching and mentoring sessions.

They are contactable at

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